Third Party Plugin Guide

By default, you will get all the third-party plugins that we are using will be included in package. Now, you can add your custom third-party plugin or remove unwanted plugins to reduce bundle size and compile time.

Add New third-party plugins

To add new third-party plugin, follow this steps :

Using Node
  1. Install node dependency for third-party plugin that you want to add.
  2. Create related directories within the src/libs directory to include plugin css & js
  3. Add related @imports and @includes in the src/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.
  4. Start adding third-party plugin CSS & JS in your HTML file.

For example, if you want to include bootstrap-select plugin, you need to follow this:

  1. Install node dependency for using npm i bootstrap-select.
  2. Create bootstrap-select directory within the src/libs directory & create plugin related files like :
    • Create below files & import node_module path : bootstrap-select.js & bootstrap-select.scss
    • You can also write light and dark, ltr and rtl specific style in bootstrap-select.scss. Refer template support for mixins details.
    import bootstrapSelect from 'bootstrap-select/js/bootstrap-select';
    export { bootstrapSelect };
    @import "../../node_modules/bootstrap-select/sass/bootstrap-select.scss";
    // include scss that you want to overwrite
    // Light style
    @if $enable-light-style {
      .light-style {
        @import '../../css/_bootstrap-extended/include';
        .bootstrap-select {
    // Dark Style
    @if $enable-dark-style {
      .dark-style {
        @import '../../css/_bootstrap-extended/include-dark';
        .bootstrap-select {
    //LTR Style
    @include app-ltr(false) {
    //RTL Style
    @include app-rtl(false) {
    • Create plugin mixin to customise its UI according to template
    @import "../../css/_bootstrap-extended/functions";
    <!-- Add mixins that you need for this plugin -->
    @mixin bs-select-theme($background, $color: null) {
      $color: if($color, $color, yiq($background));
      .bootstrap-select .dropdown-menu.inner a[aria-selected="true"] {
        background: $background !important;
        color: $color !important;
  3. Add related @imports and @includes in the src/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.
    @import "../../libs/bootstrap-select/mixins";
    @mixin template-libs-theme($background, $color: null) {
      @include bs-select-theme($background, $color);
  4. Start adding third-party plugin CSS & JS in your HTML file.
    // Include stylesheet
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="vendor/libs/bootstrap-select/bootstrap-select.css" />
    // Include Javascript
    <script src="vendor/libs/bootstrap-select/bootstrap-select.js"></script>
    // Include page specific Javascript
    <script src="js/page.js"></script>
    // Include HTML
    <select class="selectpicker w-100" data-style="btn-default">
      <option>Pulp Fiction</option>
      <option>The Godfather</option>
    // To style only selects with the selectpicker class
  5. And you are ready to go!!

Without Node
  1. Download third-party plugin's CSS & JS file
  2. Save/copy JS & CSS files inside a folder at dev/assets/vendors/libs/ path.
  3. Include Vendor JS and CSS files to your HTML file

For example, if you want to include bootstrap-select plugin, you need to follow this:

  1. Download bootstrap-select plugin's CSS & JS file
  2. Save/copy bootstrap-select.js & bootstrap-select.css files inside a folder For example, bootstrap-select at dev/assets/vendors/libs/.
  3. Include Vendor JS and CSS files to your HTML file

Check plugin options and configurations that you want to use and You're done!

Remove third-party plugins

You can remove unwanted third-party plugins to reduce bundle size and execution time :

Using Node
  1. Use npm uninstall <module_name> --save to remove module from dependencies in package.json
  2. Confirm unwanted packages removed from the dependencies section in the src/package.json file.
  3. Remove related directories from src/libs directory.
  4. Remove related @imports and @includes in the src/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.
  5. Remove Vendor JS and CSS file includes from your HTML file

For example, if you want to remove bootstrap-select plugin, you need to follow this:

  1. Uninstall node dependency using npm uninstall bootstrap-select --save.
  2. Confirm bootstrap-select dependency removed from src/package.json file.
  3. Remove the src/libs/bootstrap-select directory.
  4. Remove @import "../../libs/bootstrap-select/mixins"; and included template-libs-theme mixin from src/scss/_theme/_libs.scss file.
  5. Remove Vendor JS and CSS files from your HTML file
Without Node
  1. Remove related directories from assets/vendors/libs directory.
  2. Remove Vendor JS and CSS files from your HTML file

For example, if you want to remove bootstrap-select plugin, you need to follow this:

  1. Remove bootstrap-select folder that contains CSS and JS files of the plugin from assets/vendors/libs directory.
  2. Remove Vendor JS and CSS files from your HTML file
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